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2024: Teaming up for NAPA eco-Arctic Project

2024: Teaming up for NAPA eco-Arctic Project

2024: Teaming up for NAPA eco-Arctic Project

2024: NAPA Eco-Arctic Project

We are happy to announce the approval of our application by NAPA – Nordic Institute In Greenland. The Nordic Institute in Greenland is a cultural institution under the Nordic Council of Ministers and is situated in Greenland’s capital Nuuk. It develops, supports, and stimulates the Greenlandic and Nordic cultural life and provides support to both professionals and amateurs in Nordic and Greenlandic cultural development projects. 
Check out our latest Press release 241218.

Check out the team and why they are rolling up their sleeves... (click on the slideshow arrows):


Arctic tourism grows as large cruise ships search for new pristine destinations. Sensitive habitats and cultural heritage sites are being threatened. New regulations for mass tourism are being introduced. Small-scale sailing operators offering low-footprint expeditions are affected negatively but have no voice in the development. New sustainable and safe guidelines adapted for small-vessel sailing expeditions are needed.


Our long-term objective is to determine a practical framework for sustainable small-scale, eco-responsible sailing expeditions in the Arctic.  By gathering knowledge from local and international small-scale sailing operators, we will create a strong community of practice (COP) and strengthen small-scale operators’ and local entrepreneurships’ positions towards mass-tourism cruise operators and authorities.



The project is a co-creation mission coordinated within the concept Sailing4Science – endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade 2030 program. Please find a short description of the partners below and learn more via the links to the respective partner's website.


SAILING4SCIENCE – Project Coordinator

Sailing4Science is a Norwegian/Swedish concept managed by Swedish company Hrimfare HB, initiated by the universities of Trondheim and Gothenburg. We explore key ocean processes, collect and share essential ocean variables and visit cities and island communities with the purpose of sharing knowledge and raising ocean awareness – from a natural, economic, planetary, and humanitarian perspective.

Our mission is to inspire, engage, and motivate people to connect with our ocean. 

  • Building a network of sailors and researchers to observe and collect vital data from over seas and coastlines at home.

  • Creating awareness onboard, online and on piers – through open science participation and active demonstrations. 

  • Sharing new ocean insights and inspire people to adopt ocean-friendly lifestyles. 

  • S4S is endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade 2030 program (Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development)

HRIMFARE – Project Management

The Swedish company Hrimfare HB has the overall responsibility for the project and will report to NAPA and ensure project outcomes and deliverables are collected and shared from all partners. Its founder, Martin Hassellöv, will furthermore manage and be engaged in specific tasks related to stakeholder mapping, sea safety, environmental stewardship and citizen science assignments.

Our mission is to manage and operate research and awareness raising sailing expeditions.

  • Using S/Y Hrimfare as the Mother Ship for Sailing4Science – our iconic four-times circumnavigation 67ft steel racing yacht, converted into a scientific Ocean Lab.

  • Inviting scientists, students, sailors, non-sailors to performing research assignments, sailing expeditions, workshops, team-building and leisure charter sailing expeditions. 

  • Converted from an iconic sail racer into a modern research vessel and ocean lab.


ARCTIC WILDLIFE TOURS – Arctic wildlife ethics

The Svalbard-based company Arctic Wildlife Tour (AWT) is specializing in high-quality photo tours and expeditions. Its founder, Svein Wik, will contribute with many years of important experience from developing and managing small-scale Arctic tourism expeditions in fragile wildlife habitats, cold waters, and on heavy ice.

Our mission is to help guests come close to the Arctic nature and wildlife, offering unique photo opportunities while deepening our guest’s knowledge, respect, and appreciation for the unique Arctic environments. 

  • Offering exclusive experiences onboard ice-strengthened expedition ships, equipped with zodiacs for shorter daily excursions and photo opportunities. 

  • Sharing "closeness to nature" originates from a deep passion for protecting Arctic nature and wildlife.

BERTOFT.COM / 100% SUNWINDWATER – Communication

The Swedish creative communication hub, is focusing on good causes for humanity and Mother Earth. Its founder and skipper, Bjorn Bertoft, will be responsible for the project’s communication and media activities together with Jon Armtrup, Explore North. 

Bjorn will furthermore contribute with experiences from his climate lifestyle sailing project 2018-2022 –100% Sun Wind Water, endorsed by the UN Clean Seas program.

Our mission is to use creative communication to create impact and raise awareness that makes “global sense”.

  • Offering services only to businesses, organizations and projects with a built in mission to to good for the planet, nature and humanity.

  • Aligning all efforts with the Agenda 2030.   |


EXPLORE NORTH – Arctic Expertise and communication

The Norwegian company Explore North AS focuses on communication, sailing expeditions, environmental awareness, and exploring cold waters of the world. Its founder, Jon Amtrup, will contribute with a deep understanding and knowledge of life in Arctic waters, sharing a wide network of sailors, scientists, and stakeholders. Jon will also work on the project’s media and communication activities with Bjorn Bertoft,


Our overall mission is to save the ocean in an effort to save ourselves. We believe in clear and creative communication towards stakeholders that can make a difference.

LEEWAYS MARINE – Ocean safety and health

The Dutch SME Leeways Marine has profound experiences of assignments within sailing, ocean health, and education. Its founder, Eelco Leemans, will contribute by sharing knowledge on sea safety, environmental stewardship, and managing citizen science assignments.

Our mission:

  • Offering profound knowledge of marine ecosystems ao in the Arctic.

  • Raising awareness about Arctic marine ecosystems will contribute to better protection of this unique part of Planet OceanBelieving in…


OCEAN LADIES – Female sailors and scientists

The Finnish association Ocean Ladies connects with female sailors and sailing associations in Finland and other countries around the Baltic Sea. Tiina Laitala and Bodil Forss as well as other members of the team, will contribute with experiences from developing a carbon footprint measurement model for recreational sailing expeditions. Ocean Ladies will furthermore contribute with valuable monitoring and ocean data collection for their Cleaner Sea environmental program.

Our mission is to provide sailing experienced for women and work for cleaner seas

  • We provide off-shore sailing experience for experienced women sailors as well as newcomers. Learning about sailing and the seas as well about ourselves and teamwork is the centre of our activities. Our theme " For Cleaner Seas" focuses on saving the seas for future generations.

  • Our key values are Courage, Responsibility, Sustainability and Joy. These values guide us to face new challenges, respect nature and its diversity, promote equality and trust, and work together. Together we are more and achieve more.

OCEAN MISSIONS – Ocean Ambassadorship

The Icelandic NGO, Ocean Missions, is based in Húsavík – the whale town of Iceland – and consists of a small team of enthusiastic biologists, scientists, and sailors coming together to make a difference. Its founders, Belén García Ovide, Heimir Hardarson, and team, will contribute with extensive experiences in Arctic sailing and scientific ocean research expeditions as well as development of sustainable tourism and whale watching activities. They will furthermore share deep insights from collaborations with the University of Iceland’s Húsavík Research Center, North Sailing and the Húsavík Whale Museum.

Our mission is to inspire people to become Ocean Ambassadors through a combination of traditional sailing, education and citizen science expeditions.


SEASCOPE – Ice safety and drone protocols

The Swedish company SeaScope is a small consultancy agency focusing on maritime operations as well as drone photography. SeaScope and Henrik Engberg, will, as a Master Mariner, contribute with sea safety knowledge as well as providing guidelines for ethical and safe use of drones.

Our mission:

  • Offering guidance in maritime safety and drone operations

  • Believing in innovation, responsibility and safety at sea


TILVERA EXPEDITIONS – Marine mammal ethics

The Icelandic (company) Tilvera Expeditions is offering transformative experiences and purposeful sailing expeditions with a focus on planetary change, currently in the Arctic regions using their 22 meter dutch steel ketch. The founders, Belén García Ovide and Heimir Hardarson, will contribute with their experiences from professional sailing and marine scientific expeditions and knowledge about nature in the challenging Arctic environments.

Our mission is to inspire and embody a lifestyle that celebrates the beauty of our planet, fosters personal and collective growth, champions sustainable living in harmony with our natural world, and builds a global community of like-minded individuals driven to create a better future.

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